Stay focused app google
Stay focused app google

To make Chrome's new tab page blank as blank can be, you can turn to the Blank New Tab Page extension but I like the Minimal New Tab Clock better - not because of the analog clock at its center but because its default black background is easy on the eyes. I prefer to use Chrome's URL bar and my bookmarks bar at the top of the window. And it helps reduce the drain Chrome has on my laptop's memory.Ĭhrome's default new tab page is fairly minimal and not all that distracting, but I never use the Google search bar or the shortcuts to my frequently visited pages it offers me. OneTab saves me from cluttering my bookmarks by adding pages I may need to return to only once. All of my previously open tabs are listed on this magical single tab as links, which I can click to reopen individual tabs or click another link to restore all of the tabs on the list. With OneTab, I can take all of the open tabs in a Chrome window and smush them into a single tab. There comes a point nearly every afternoon where I find myself drowning in a sea of open tabs, sometimes in two or three separate windows. Sure, you can always go into the extension's settings and remove a site from your blocked list, but maybe you'll feel just guilty enough about making such a move to stay on the straight and narrow with StayFocused. I like it because it allows you a bit of wiggle room instead of just blocking sites outright, you can give yourself a few minutes over lunch to scroll through Twitter and Reddit before getting back to work. With StayFocused, you can set time limits for the sites you waste too much time on. Here are five Chrome extensions that can help you stay focused and on the ball. But then there's Twitter, Reddit and the wormhole that is Wikipedia among the multitude of sites that distract you from the task at hand. It makes research a thousand times easier than in the dark days before Google, and web tools like Slack and Google Drive can certainly help streamline your workday.

Stay focused app google