Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox
Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox

nyt crossword java plugin for firefox
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nyt crossword java plugin for firefox

(default)ĭefines whether Firefox's "fixup" feature is used. Windows Security Policy checks apply in this case as well. True: Firefox will scan files for viruses after the downloaded completes.Whether Firefox will scan downloaded files with installed antivirus software. 0: Immediately after the successful download.ī (deprecated).

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(default)ī (deprecated)ĭefines when Firefox removes finished downloads from the Download Manager: This defines whether a warning message is displayed by Firefox when you click on an executable file in the download manager.

Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox Offline#

False: Offline cache functionality is disabled.ī (deprecated).True: Web applications may use an offline cache (default).Whether web applications and sites can use an offline cache on the local system. 512000: the default cache size in Kilobyte.False: The browser's memory cache is disabled and thus not used.True: Firefox will make use of a memory cache.

nyt crossword java plugin for firefox

Whether a memory cache is used by the browser. The maximum size of a single entry in the memory cache in Kilobyte.

nyt crossword java plugin for firefox

False: Firefox will not cache https website contents.True: Firefox will cache contents of https websites.(default)ĭefines whether contents of SSL (https) web pages get cached by Firefox on disk. The capacity of the cache is set in the preference. The maximum space that Firefox uses for the disk cache. 2: always use cached version never check.True: Feature is enabled and web apps can make use of it (default).ĭetermines how often Firefox checks if a newer than cached version is available.Sends data to servers when leaving pages. The about:support page lists all of them.

Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox pro#

Pro Tip: All bold preferences are modified preferences. Note that there is no way to remove entries from the list from within Firefox. You can change preference values with a double-click, and create new preferences with a right-click and the selection of new from the context menu. Just start typing a preference name and Firefox will automatically filter the list so that only matching results remain. Confirm you will be careful if the warning message is displayed.Type about:config in Firefox's address bar and hit enter.

Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox how to#

If you are new to Firefox's about:config page you may need some pointers on how to use the page. Tip: you may also want to check our extensive Ghacks user.js file which is the best privacy and security preferences collection for Firefox. If you notice that a preference is missing, or discovered a new one, use the contact option here on this site to let us know about it and we will implement the change right away. With that said, it is a work in progress considering that there are that many preferences available. The following list attempts to list all privacy and security preferences of relevance. Making changes to those can improve security or privacy. While you find all kinds of preferences here, for instance options to change the color of link anchors, you will also find many security and privacy related preferences here. Most are not accessible elsewhere in the browser, and you often find preferences listed here that Mozilla has implemented but not enabled yet for all users. The page lists a lot of preferences that you can all modify. This shows not only when it comes to (most) feature additions or changes, as there is usually a way to return to the old, but also when you dive into the depths of the about:config page. Mozilla Firefox is without the shadow of a doubt the browser that you can customize the most.

Nyt crossword java plugin for firefox